Nikita Vinogradov
Hey guys! I am an ardent fan of Grip Strength in all its manifestations. I set myself certain goals in this direction and go to them, enjoying this process. Also, I love myself, a fire and barbecue =))
Results summary GM150 | |
Ranking | All time |
Absolute | 615 |
Right | 576 |
Left | 386 |
Sum | 357 |
Class 6060 | 21 |
National | 319 |
Relative | 209 |
Results on GM150 dynamometer | |||||
Date | Hand | Coef, %Coef | Dyn, kgKg | Weight, kg | Video |
26.10.2019 | R | 126.52 | 70.85 | 56 | |
21.09.2019 | R | 126.36 | 69.50 | 55 | |
21.09.2019 | L | 123.09 | 67.70 | 55 | |
17.06.2019 | L | 114.12 | 65.05 | 57 | |
11.06.2019 | R | 116.93 | 66.65 | 57 | |
04.06.2019 | R | 112.67 | 65.35 | 58 | |
04.06.2019 | L | 110.69 | 64.20 | 58 | |
29.04.2019 | R | 111.90 | 64.90 | 58 | |
29.04.2019 | L | 106.21 | 61.60 | 58 |